"Talk to me boy
No disrespect, I don't mean no harm
Talk to me boy
But I can't wait to have you in my arms
Talk to me boy
Hurry up cause you're taking too long
Talk to me boy
Better have you naked by the end of this song."
unfiltered and unapologetic
Here's what I think about plastic surgery- it's ok in very minimal doses. You don't want to look like a completely different person (see Ashley Tisdale and Jennifer Grey)! And how much do you want to bet that she'd be unrecognizable if you saw a "before" photograph. She was probably quite pretty to begin with but now she just looks like any over-the-hill soap opera star/ Rock of Love 2 contestant. I think the most awful procedures one can have done are cheek implants (they look freaky!) and lip enhancement. Not done with a light hand, the latter procedure looks particularly atrocious especially because natural lips have a Cupid's bow whereas the enhanced ones just look like a stuffed sausage. And that's not pretty.
Part of this over zealous plastic surgery comes from the porn aesthetic. Once porn became more mainstream, so did the images of these hyper-sexualized and siliconed women. And some women mistakenly believe that it's what all men find attractive. But if a guy is worth it, he'll know better than to fall for a pair of boobs on a stick. In my opinion, individuality, self-esteem, and a strong personality are attractive qualities and looking like a Barbie on steroids is not. I feel sorry for those that feel the need to radically change their appearence in order to be attractive because it's clearly the result of some deep-rooted psychological issues that surgery can't fix.
*Update: This ho has her own website!! Check it out: http://www.angelabismarchi.com.br