Thursday, February 28, 2008
Man Candy Overload
Monday, February 25, 2008
Girl Crush
Marion Cotillard is my new girl crush. I just love her! Her Oscar speech was so cute and completely spontaneous. You can tell that she was so nervous and had no idea what to say. And her dress? DAMN!!!! Only a super chic french girl could pull off such a dress and she did so...with aplomb! She wins "Best Dressed" award AND an Oscar?? So not fair. I can't wait to see her in many many more movies to come. Vive la France!!
Man Candy- Oscar Edition
Friday, February 22, 2008
Man Candy
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Now I suspect that this is not what Mr. Kors had in mind when he designed this particular product (although you never've seen Proj Run, he looks like he might be quite a freak) but for those of us with really filthy minds it's quite obvious to make that connection. It's actually great to find this on, of all places, the Neiman Marcus website since it's so unintentionally hilarious. Those kinky rich THIS is what they do in the fucking Hamptons!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Man Candy
Friday, February 15, 2008
On Beauty- part 1
"Aristotle called beauty "the gift of God;",
Socrates called it "a short-lived tyranny;"
Theophrastus, "a silent deceit;"
Theocritus, "an ivory mischief;"
Carneades, "a sovereignty which stood in need of no guards."
The beauty that addresses itself to the eyes is only the spell of the moment; the eye of the body is not always that of the soul."
~ George Sand~
Socrates called it "a short-lived tyranny;"
Theophrastus, "a silent deceit;"
Theocritus, "an ivory mischief;"
Carneades, "a sovereignty which stood in need of no guards."
The beauty that addresses itself to the eyes is only the spell of the moment; the eye of the body is not always that of the soul."
~ George Sand~
Beauty, in my experience, is both a blessing and a curse. Undeniably, beauty opens a lot of doors (literally and otherwise) but it can also provide obstacles that are difficult to overcome. The emphasis on physical beauty is all around us: movies, TV, magazines. We are bombarded with photoshopped images of "perfection." We are told that looking a certain way will bring us happiness and...most importantly, love. If only it were actually that simple. Beauty comes with its own Pandora's box that once opened can be hard to close.
Vanity, for instance, is an easy trap to fall into. I've seen this all too often in my experience: really pretty girls that relied only on their looks to get what they want while existing as empty shells, lacking all thought and substance. They are like glossy magazines- fun to look at but devoid of content. The attention lavished on a beautiful person serves only as reinforcement for that person's behavior, whether that behavior is good or bad and again puts good looks on a higher pedestal than actions.
For someone who's had to deal with both sides of the beauty coin it's easy to see how much bullshit this is. I also credit my awkward years as a chubby child and gawky teen (my nickname was "Flagpole") with developing a personality so that I ended up not being a total douchebag as an adult. For me, it was like winning the genetic lottery and having those winnings put into a trust fund that was unavailable until I turned 18. I had to live most of my life as a taller-than-average, clumsy looking kid with a fat head (tho I was fucking cute as a toddler, as far as I can tell from pictures.) Most importantly, I had to deal with my physical awkwardness during my formative years. Sarcasm was the main weapon in my arsenal, and it still is. I also got to fill my not-so-pretty head with books, music, and art...things that I wouldn't have had too much time for if those grade school boys were all over me.
What's strange is how differently people, especially those of the opposite sex, treat you. Once my Eastern European genes kicked in, boys started to notice me. Even though I had a boyfriend, it didn't stop others from flirting with me all the time. Was I really a different person? Nope, I was still me. My personality hadn't changed at all, I was just packaged slightly differently. I became an object of desire, not because of my personality, but because of my looks. And that's something I had to deal with eversince. Yeah, some people might think "Oh, this poor girl...she's so wanted, why should I feel sorry for her?" But it's not that simple. When you're aware that people are fixated on your looks it really casts a doubt on yourself and makes you wonder if that's really all you have to offer. It's ironic that something so prized, beauty, can actually make your life lonelier. I suppose that this wouldn't happen with a less self-aware person but when physical attractiveness is not a top priority in life it can be an issue that you have to wrestle with everyday. I'm not saying that I'd rather be unattractive...damn, it's better to be attractive than not, what I'm saying is that attractiveness adds a whole other layer of complication in a thinking person's life. Intelligence and beauty are not two things that are associated too often but when they co-exist (and they do, more than people like to think) it provides for an interesting conundrum. Most people see beauty, not intelligence. That's why I have to work harder to make my intelligence shine through. Of course, if people can't see that, then they're probably not worth my time anyway. Still, it'd be nice for people's jaws not to fucking drop when I mention that I was a Chemistry major and a Math minor. Yeah, pretty girls are smart too, who the fuck knew?
Coming soon...Part 2 of a riveting series of 2 (so far, but I might add more)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Be My Valentine?
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Man Candy
Anti-Vday Playlist
Do you fucking hate Valentine's Day? too. Just to clarify though, I *only* hate Valentine's Day and not love itself. In fact, I quite love love. I just have a problem with the commercialization of feelings. Love should be celebrated every day, not just on February 14th. And it sure as hell shouldn't be celebrated with cheap drug-store products!
But I digress. If today gives your the goosebumps and makes you feel all angsty and stabby instead of warm and fuzzy then plug in your ipod and download a kickass playlist of anti-love songs. Some are classics, some are about love lost, and some are just...well, bitchy
1. Kelly Clarkson- Since U Been Gone
2. PJ Harvey- Dry
3. Amy Winehouse- You Know I'm No Good
4. Beyonce- Irreplaceable
5. Elliott Smith- Waltz #2 (XO)
6. Fergie- Big Girls Don't Cry
7. Garbage- Special
8. Justin Timberlake- What Goes Around Comes Around
9. The Killers- Romeo and Juliet
10. Maroon 5- This Love
11. Sarah Bareilles- Love Song
12. Queen- I Want To Break Free
13. Shakira- Don't Bother
14. Beyonce and Shakira- Beautiful Liar
15. Bon Jovi- You Give Love A Bad Name
But I digress. If today gives your the goosebumps and makes you feel all angsty and stabby instead of warm and fuzzy then plug in your ipod and download a kickass playlist of anti-love songs. Some are classics, some are about love lost, and some are just...well, bitchy
1. Kelly Clarkson- Since U Been Gone
2. PJ Harvey- Dry
3. Amy Winehouse- You Know I'm No Good
4. Beyonce- Irreplaceable
5. Elliott Smith- Waltz #2 (XO)
6. Fergie- Big Girls Don't Cry
7. Garbage- Special
8. Justin Timberlake- What Goes Around Comes Around
9. The Killers- Romeo and Juliet
10. Maroon 5- This Love
11. Sarah Bareilles- Love Song
12. Queen- I Want To Break Free
13. Shakira- Don't Bother
14. Beyonce and Shakira- Beautiful Liar
15. Bon Jovi- You Give Love A Bad Name
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Question of the Week
Which one would you rather take from your sweetheart/lover/fuck buddy ...sloppy kiss or angry orgasm?
Monday, February 11, 2008
Man Candy
Fashion Victims

The same can't be said about the second one. Hello, Jolly Green Giant! The thought process behind this outfit goes something like this:
"Ok, what can I wear that's going to highlight my thighs and completely destroy my fab figure? I KNOW! An acid green leotard, of course. But wait, it's not enough. It needs MORE...perhaps a black lace jacket? Yes, that's perfect. Matador-cum-split pea soup is so hot right now."
Final outfit is a much needed improvement. But alas, she still doesn't understand the concept of proportion. This may look good on a malnourised 15-year old Eastern European model but not on a real woman, with real curves. Put something on that cuts you off at the widest part of your body and that's all people will see. The decoltage is lovely though. And props to her for ditching the hair extensions although I'm not loving the blond. She looks so much better with brown hair.
Oh B, we love you but we're not crazy in love with those clothes. You're a diva and your clothes just don't reflect that. They look cheap and a tad Vegas showgirl, and that's not something you want to emulate. Next time take a look around: Alicia Keys...FIERCE! Gwen Stefani...FIERCE! Rihanna... FIERCE! You can be fierce too, B. I know you can. Just put down the bedazzler and get your bootylicious self to Barneys.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Rock the Vote
So nothing says "democracy" quite like choosing between candidates in a two-party system. Even so, I urge everyone to go out and vote, goddamnit! Problem is that a lot of people are so apathetic or lazy that they just don't. But the only way that a change for the better can be brought about is through voting. So vote, vote, vote (as Dan Savage might put it)
Frankly, I don't care who wins the primaries on the Democratic side. I'll more than gladly vote for Clinton or Obama come November. My wet dream would be a Clinton/Obama presidential ticket (not neccessarily in that order).
So vote for change! Vote like your life depends on it!
Sunday, February 3, 2008

Eli Manning and the Giants!! Wooohooo. I was secretly rooting for them the whole time but didn't want to get too vocal about them because everytime I do that I end up jinxing my favorite team. So this time I just kept my mouth shut for the most part. I'm not one for football but I just gotta watch the Super Bowl every year. And every year the team that I'm rooting for loses (hello? The Bears) so this was refreshing. The Pats got to experience the proverbial "close but no cigar" first-hand. What a sweet victory for NY! Oh yes...
Man Candy- Super Bowl Edition
So today in Man Candy I have a special double feature. For the first time ever these gridiron hotties duke it out over a much less important, tho equally entertaining matter-- who's hotness reigns supreme. Brady v. Manning!
First up is Tom Brady:
He sure looks hot in his football gear but sometimes they photoshop him a little too much. Hey, nobody's perfect, right? If this whole football thing doesn't work out he sure has a modeling career to fall back on.

Now it's Eli Manning's turn to wow us. On the field...

...and off the field. What a cutie! Tho Brady has much more classic good looks, Manning ups the cuteness factor. I'd definitely pick him over Brady for a cuddle :)
Ok, so who won. I'm going to leave this one up to you, ladies (and gentlemen?). I know who I'll be rooting for this evening.
First up is Tom Brady:
Now it's Eli Manning's turn to wow us. On the field...
...and off the field. What a cutie! Tho Brady has much more classic good looks, Manning ups the cuteness factor. I'd definitely pick him over Brady for a cuddle :)
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