I'm going to start doing this everyday, hopefully. Was inspired simultaneously by a Jezebel post and High Fidelity's Rob Gordon (great fucking movie!) By the way, these are in no particular order.
1. Selling books former roommate abandoned for cash 2. Snoozing 7 times in the morning 3. Con Law canceled for the rest of the week 4. Greek yogurt 5. Fun weekends
Ah, back to school is one of my favorite times of the year. There's something about buying new school supplies (pens, legal pads, mini staplers, and highliters are a must) that just gets me in the mood for studying. And in the mood for some new fall clothes :-)
I'm really such a dork because I always picture myself in some jeans and a cute blazer and scarf studying in a cafe or under some rusty-colored trees on campus. Of course this never happens. By the time the foliage achieves its perfect orange-y red color it's already too cold and windy to be sitting under any trees. I'm fairly convinced that such a tableau only happens on Gilmore Girls.
In any case, I'm much more of an urban girl so the idyllic collegiate setting does not suit me so well. Hence, the cafe scenario works out much better for me (and I usually get free internet- for all those Westlaw searches of course).But before I'll be cracking open Massey's American Constitutional Law (3rd edition) with a nice cup of coffee at Think I made some mental notes of my latest fashion obsessions.
Motorcycle boots- I don't own any right now but that will be fixed shortly. I plan on wearing them with absolutely everything from skinny jeans to minis with tights.
Zippers- Urban Outfitters has some amazing exposed zipper dresses. Love!
Plaid- still going strong. I'd like to get a really fitted plum plaid shirt to pair with some skinny jeans and lace camisole.
Statement jewelry- I bought 2 amazing rings from H&M ($5 each) and a necklace from Nordstrom ($10). What I love about big jewelry is that it instantly adds interest to an outfit and dresses up even the most basic t-shirt. And speaking of t-shirts...
Slouchy low cut t-shirts- they're quickly becoming a staple in my wardrobe.
High-waisted skirts- either tight or flouncy. They're perfect for tucking and make legs look really really long (as if I need extra help in that department)
And finally...
Long fitted blazers- I have one that I got from my mom. It's Armani from the 90's and it's still perfect!